Board of Directors
Mr. Ramu S. Deora (Director) (DIN No.: 00312369)
Mr. Shyam Sunder Sharma (DIN No.: 00145732)
Mrs. Grace R. Deora (DIN No.: 00312080)
Mr. Rajesh Ramu Deora (DIN No.: 00312316) (w.e.f. 28/05/2019)
Mr. Shailendra Omprakash Mishra (DIN No.: 07373830) (w.e.f. 29/03/2025)
Mr. Vipul Amual Desai (DIN No. 02074877) (w.e.f. 29/03/2025)
Mr. Mahabirprasad S. Deora (DIN No.: 01073326) (sad demise on 15/02/2019)
Mr. Sunil S. Jhunjhunwala (Independent) (DIN No.: 00312529) (Tenure completion 29/03/2025)
Mr. Girish Kumar Pungalia (Independent) (DIN No.: 00032757) (Tenure completion 29/03/2025)
Composition of Committees
Audit Committee :
1. Chairperson - Mr. Sunil S. Jhunjhunwala (Non Executive Independent Director) (DIN No.: 00312529)
2. Member - Mr. Girish Kumar Pungalia (Non Executive Independent Director) (DIN No.: 00032757)
3. Member - Mrs. Grace R. Deora (Non Executive Director) (DIN No.: 00312080) w.e.f 29th May, 2018
Nomination and Remueration Committee :
1. Chairperson - Mr. Sunil S. Jhunjhunwala (Non Executive Independent Director) (DIN No.: 00312529)
2. Member - Mr. Girish Kumar Pungalia (Non Executive Independent Director) (DIN No.: 00032757)
3. Member - Mrs. Grace R. Deora (Non Executive Director) (DIN No.: 00312080) w.e.f. 29th May, 2018
Stakeholders Relationship Committee :
1. Chairperson - Mr. Sunil S. Jhunjhunwala (Non Executive Independent Director) (DIN No.: 00312529)
2. Member - Mr. Girish Kumar Pungalia (Non Executive Independent Director) (DIN No.: 00032757)
3. Member - Mrs. Grace R. Deora (Non Executive Director) (DIN No.: 00312080) w.e.f. 3rd November, 2018
Director Compliance Officer
Mr. Ramu S. Deora (Director) (DIN : 00312369)
Triochem Products Limited
4th Floor, Sambava Chambers, Sir P M Road, Fort, Mumbai, India, PIN 400 001
Tel.: 022 – 22663150 / 22661034 Mob.: 98200 84212
CIN No.: L24249MH1972PLC015544
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Mrs. Ureca Deolekar (ICSI Membership No. A45831) (Change in name of Ms. Ureca Shirish Shirole due to Marrige) w.e.f. 19th January, 2024.
Ms. Ureca Shirish Shirole (ICSI Membership No. A45831) w.e.f. 14th November, 2019
Ms. Ushma M. Dudani w.e.f. 5th July, 2019 to 23rd August, 2019 after Resignation of Mr. Bharat B. Gangani)]
Kay Management Personnel
Mr. Ramu S. Deora (Direcctor) (DIN No.: 00312369)
Mr. Puran J. Parmar (Chief Financial Officer)
Mrs. Ureca Deolekar (ICSI Membership No. A45831) (Change in name of Ms. Ureca Shirish Shirole due to Marrige w.e.f. 19th January, 2024)
Ms. Ureca Shirish Shirole (Company Secretary) (w.e.f. 14th November, 2019 after Resignation of Ms. Ushma M. Dudani)
Ms. Ushma M. Dudani (Company Secretary) (w.e.f. 5th July, 2019 to 23rd August, 2019 after Resignation of Mr. Bharat B. Gangani)
Mr. Bharat B. Gangani (Company Secretary) (w.e.f. 15th February, 2018 after Resignation of Mr. Sandeep Patel)
Statutory Auditors
M/s Kanu Doshi Associates LLP
FRN : 104746W / W100096
Mumbai Address : 203, The Summit, Hanuman Road, Western Express Highway, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai - 400057.
Pune Address : 123, Sohrab Hall, 21 Sasson Road, Opp. Jehangir Hospital, Pune - 411001
Investor Grievance Officer
Mr. Ramu S. Deora (Director) (DIN : 00312369)
Triochem Products Limited
4th Floor, Sambava Chambers, Sir P M Road, Fort, Mumbai, India, PIN 400 001
Tel: 022 – 22663150 / 22661034 Mob.: 98200 84212
CIN No.: L24249MH1972PLC015544
Share Registrar and Transfer Agent
The change in name of the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent:
MUFG Intime India Private Limited.
CIN: U67190MH1999PTC118368; SEBI Reg. No.: INR000004058
Address: C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400 083.
Phone No.: 91 22 4918 6000; Fax No.: 91 22 4198 6060.
Website: Email:
Previous records for change in name for referance
a) w.e.f. 1st January 2025 MUFG Intime Private Limited, previously known as: Link Intime India Private Limited
b) w.e.f. 1st January 2021 Link Intime India Private Limited, previously known as: M/s Sharex Dynamic (India) Pvt Ltd. SEBI Reg. No.: INR000002102
Dematerialization facility with the Depository Participants
National Securities Depository Limited
Central Depository Services (India) Limited
ISIN No.: INE331E01013
Page last updated on:
29-Mar-2025 at 09.39